Why HitsLink?
- Experience
We have been a leading provider of analytics solutions since 1999.
The Right Choice
Our analytics products have been used on over 4 million web sites.
Easy Setup
Cut and paste our small tracking script onto your pages and you're ready to go.
Transaction History
This reports displays transaction history for your campaigns. The report displays the total number of transactions, first time transactions, repeat transactions and revenue.Terms Used on Report:
Total Transactions
A completed transaction by a user. Transactions are recorded when a special tracking script is executed on your confirmation page(s). This tracking script can be found on the Account / Get Tracking Script menu item.
First Time Transactions
The first time a visitor executes a transaction. All subsequent transactions are recorded as 'repeat transactions'. This is specific to transaction type.
Repeat Transactions
The second or higher time a visitor executes a transaction. This is specific to transaction type.